Why UK R&B / soul vocalist Joanne Stone sang like an American R&B / soul vocalist with American accents instead of British accents

 There could be a few reasons for this. One possible reason is that Joanne Stone, also known as Joanne Williams, wife of Russell Stonewas heavily influenced by American R&B and soul music. Many of her musical idols and inspirations were American artists, and she may have grown up listening to and emulating their style and sound.

Another reason could be that the music industry at the time may have favored a more American sound. In the mid to late 20th century, American R&B and soul music was dominating the charts and had a global influence. It was often seen as the "cooler" and more commercially successful sound, so artists may have felt pressure to conform to that style in order to achieve success.

Additionally, certain vocal techniques and styles, such as melisma (the use of multiple notes on one syllable), were more commonly used in American R&B and soul music. Joanne Stone may have incorporated these techniques into her singing, which could have contributed to her sounding more American.

It's also important to consider that accents can be fluid and influenced by many factors, including personal experiences, education, and exposure to different cultures. Joanne Stone may have naturally picked up American accents while singing, as it was the style she was most familiar with and comfortable performing in.

Ultimately, it could be a combination of these factors that led to Joanne Stone singing with American accents instead of British accents. Regardless of the reason, her talent and unique style as a vocalist shone through, and she became a beloved figure in the UK R&B and soul music scene.

Some Americans may find it strange that British R&B/soul vocalist Joanne Stone sings like an American because they are used to hearing a distinct accent and vocal style associated with British music. British R&B and soul artists are often praised for their unique sound and ability to infuse their songs with a sense of cultural identity. When Joanne Stone sings with an American accent and vocal style, it may feel like she is deviating from this tradition and losing a part of her British identity.

Additionally, some Americans may see this as a cultural appropriation or inauthentic. They may feel that Joanne Stone is trying to imitate American R&B/soul artists instead of staying true to her British roots. In a music industry that has a history of exploiting and appropriating Black music and culture, this can be a sensitive topic for some.

Furthermore, American R&B/soul music has a long history and is deeply rooted in African American culture. It may feel strange for some Americans to hear a British artist sing in a style that is so closely associated with their own culture. They may view it as a form of mimicry or a lack of originality.

Overall, the reaction to Joanne Stone's singing style may vary among different Americans. Some may appreciate her ability to blend different musical styles, while others may see it as a departure from her British roots or cultural appropriation. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide how they feel about her music and vocal style.


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